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Yankees Baseball Themed Bar Mitzvah Celebration | Rockies Coors Field in Denver Colorado

May 27, 2018

Yankees Baseball Themed Bar Mitzvah at Coors Field

I have the coolest Yankees baseball themed bar mitzvah to share on the journal today! Brooks and his family just held the most wonderful celebration at Coors Field for his bar mitzvah here in Denver, Colorado. We joked that the Royal Wedding seemed to steal his thunder a little bit by trading our nice, normally sunshine-filled, weather with Great Britain’s gloomy rainy weather. But we somehow still managed to do the family portraits outside in a moderately dry area under a tree so it wasn’t too difficult and we got nice photos despite the wet weather.

Bar Mitzvah Service at B’Nai Chaim

The bar mitzvah service took place at B’Nai Chaim Synagogue in Morrison and Brooks’s family came from all over to celebrate with him. His dad is originally from New York while his mom grew up right here in Colorado.

Later on at Coors Field, one of the gentlemen working the party noticed what big Yankees fans this family was (it’s pretty obvious once you see the way the party was decorated!) and showed them the place where they keep the Rockies logo wrapped Statue of Liberty gift that the Yankees gave to the team. It was a perfect statue photo opportunity for this Colorado grown family with ties to the Big Apple.

Baseball Decor for a Colorado Bar Mitzvah

And speaking of New York, the reception party décor was incredible! There were Yankees themed tables named after the greatest players, blue and white stripes everywhere and of course popcorn. My favorite part was the New York Street scene their party planner had set up as a lounge area. Even hosting the party right there at Rockies Coors Field was the perfect venue for a baseball-loving teenager celebrating his bar mitzvah birthday party. Brooks has been playing baseball since he was 5 years old and it was an added perk to see photos of him playing his favorite sport right up on the Rockies marquee lit up over the field.

Candle Lighting Ceremony at a Colorado Coors Field Bar Mitzvah Party

Brooks did a wonderful job with his candle lighting poem which is always my favorite part of a bar mitzvah since it is a nice sentimental acknowledgement of loved ones. He had everyone laughing and even crying when he gave a special shout out to his cousin who couldn’t make it due to serving in the army. The guests spent the rest of the party eating, drinking, and playing all of the fun games set up throughout the huge reception space The batting cage and the air hockey table seemed to be the biggest hits. Eventually everyone made their way over to the dance floor to party down. Us adults laughed when at one point the dance floor evolved into an air guitar rumble with 13 year olds attempting to beat each other with inflatable guitars. It was exactly what you would imagine a party for a 13 year old would look like; super fun and rambunctious!

Mazel Tov, Brooks!

Rainy spring time baseball themed bar mitzvah in Denver
Baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field in Denver Colorado
Blue and White Yankees baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field in Denver
Baseball themed bar mitzvah decor for a Yankees fan
Guestcards at a Yankees baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field
Popcorn with Yankees baseball themed bar mitzvah with blue and white florals at Coors Field
Blue and White florals at a Yankees baseball themed bar mitzvah
Yankees baseball themed bar mitzvah photos at Coors Field
Yankees baseball themed bar mitzvah with leather mitt as a centerpiece
Yankees baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field in Denver Colorado
Cute baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field Family Portrait at the Stadium
Cute family photo with the Statue of Liberty wrapped in Rockies logo at a Yankees themed bar mitzvah party at Coors Field
Cute family photos at Coors Field Stadium at a baseball themed bar mitzvah in Colorado
baseball themed bar mitzvah family photos in the stadium at Coors Field baseball themed bar mitzvah
Super cute family picture in the stands at baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field in Denver
Parent photo together at their son's baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field in Denver
Cute brothers play a game at their baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field in Denver
Bar mitzvah boy at his baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field
Portrait of the bar mitzvah boy in his bow tie and suit jacket at his baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field in Denver
Baseball themed bar mitzvah candle lighting ceremony at Coors Field in Denver CO
Jewish candle lighting ceremony for a baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field
Fun horah chair dance picture at a baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field
New York Yankees baseball themed bar mitzvah street scene recreated at bar mitzvah party at Coors Field
Cute family candid photo for a New York Yankees baseball themed bar mitzvah at Coors Field in Denver Colorado

Love this one:)

Find out more about Congregation B’Nai Chaim HERE

Interested in hosting your party at Coors Field? Check out their website HERE

Check out more bar mitzvah photography on the BAR MITZVAHS page of my website!


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  1. Michael says:

    these are utterly beautiful!!! what precious memories