elcome to the journal for April O’Hare Photography! Here you’ll find all of my latest photographic outings with the couples, families, seniors and small businesses that I get to work with and make beautiful photographs for. You may also see a personal post here and there discussing my life or my travels with my teeny family of one husband and three cats! Sometimes I even write advice articles with tips to help make your photo experience better which you can check out under the “Educational” category.  

Take your time and look around! Type in the place where you’ll be getting married in the search box to see if I’ve photographed there before. At the bottom of the page I’ve highlighted some of my favorite sessions and weddings from the past. Grab a drink and have fun going down the photo rabbit hole!






Denver  weddings

Mountain  weddings








april's life

Colorado Rockabilly Family Photography | Rambler Ranch

May 10, 2018

Rockabilly Family Photos in Colorado

I have the cutest Rockabilly family photos to share on the journal today! Angie found me through a previous family photography session that I had done quite a few years ago for a family who opted for a Rockabilly theme for their pictures. Her in laws were planning to come through town for a visit and they thought it would be fun to get some vintage 50s styled family photos as well. Since the vintage gas station at the Adams County Museum where I did the previous session wasn’t available at the time that we needed we were on the hunt for another location that would work for their pictures. Angie came through big time by finding this incredible gem of a place called Rambler Ranch in the forest of Elizabeth, Colorado. I had no idea it existed and was blown away by how elaborate and full of SO MANY VINTAGE CARS! Like bumper to bumper in gigantic garages full! Terry is the proprietor of this under the radar museum and mentioned that he’s been collecting cars and vintage memorabilia for 25 years. Honestly, if you saw the scope of this place you wouldn’t believe it’s only been 25 years of collecting. It’s enormous!

Terry was kind enough to allow us to arrive at the Rambler Ranch closer to golden hour which is important for photos. I arrived a little bit early since I have never been there before to get some ideas for what to do at their session and was overwhelmed by all of the cool cars everywhere you turn. Of course, he keeps the restored vehicles inside of gigantic garages but his forested property has become what we lovingly called a car graveyard with so many interesting specimens dotting the landscape. He even put together and decorated the interior of one of his homes with all vintage 60’s memorabilia. It was so cool stepping inside of that building and feeling like we time warped back to 1962. How am I so accurate? That’s the date on the calendar that was hanging on the wall). I think one of my favorite things on the property was the 1970s vintage RTD bus which even had mannequin people hanging out on the inside! I will say, I really loved the touch of adding mannequins with their vintage clothing hanging out with the cars, but sometimes when I glanced around the room taking it all in and saw one in the corner of my eye it gave me a little fright, haha.

Angie was really hoping to be able to photograph in front of a vintage gas station and boy did the Rambler Ranch deliver! Terry has a vintage Sinclair gas station, complete with the dinosaur and all working neon lights too! It really looks gorgeous tucked away in the woods like that. We started off there and then let their two year old son, Arlo, run around for the photos for a little bit before walking further into the property. I had so much fun exploring with this family! We walked around trying to color match the cars and Arlo did his best to search for the wild turkey that graced us with his presence briefly. Of course, two year olds can only last so long at the golden hour during spring and summer time so as the light started to fade so did little Arlo (who had been a total sweetheart!) and we called it a night.

Be sure to head over to the FAMILIES area of my site to find more information about planning your own unique family photography session!


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