One of my favorite teammates in roller derby is Triple Shot Misto who came in 3rd place on the Amazing Race a few years ago. Her daughter, Sayge is a senior this year and so we met up to get her senior photography taken care of. I love when high school seniors come get their yearbook photo photographed with me and they already have an idea for incorporating their interests and hobbies into the session. Sayge loves to ride horses and we went to the barn where her horse, Sydney lives to get a few photos with her. Sayge insisted that Sydney was not too photogenic but I disagree. I think they both look beautiful together! It was kind of crazy for me to photograph Sayge because when she smiles, she looks so much like her mom that I have to do a double take. After getting a few photos at the barn we moved on to the more picturesque South Valley Park. It was my first time photographing there and I can’t believe this beautiful place has been around all of this time and I am just now seeing it. I really love the big beautiful red rocks and the sky at sunset there makes the whole place seem like a painting. I can’t wait to go back!
If you’d like to find more information about senior sessions, be sure to check out the SENIORS page of my site!