Temple Sinai Bar Mitzvah with Party at Curtis Ballroom
In mid January, I had the pleasure of photographing Jacob’s bar mitzvah photos. I met the family at their synagogue (Temple Sinai in Denver, CO) to capture the rehearsal where Jacob ran through the entire service in preparation for doing it for real that Saturday. He did a fabulous job at the rehearsal and I’m sure the service went off without a hitch. Since photography is not allowed during the service, I was not present that morning. But, I did get to meet up with them again to capture the party that evening. They held a really fun shindig at the Curtis Ballroom in Greenwood Village. Family and friends flew in from all over the country to help celebrate this special day with Jacob. They had a really fun Lego theme with their centerpieces made out of legos and the cake had little lego people on it. The candy bar was a huge hit and the dance floor was busy all evening. Below is just a small selection of some of my favorites to show what a great event it was! Mazel tov, Jacob!

If you’re looking for an experienced bar mitzvah photographer, please check out the page I have for BAR MITZVAHS. I would love to help out!