I get to share a very special family event on the journal this afternoon. My sister in law, Jordana, just celebrated her bat mitzvah here in Denver. Around 13 years ago, my husband Geoff and I were still in our first year of dating and we were both slowing starting to get to know each other’s very large families. I knew he had 3 siblings who were all very spread out in age with one of them being his half sister. I’m no stranger to this because I’m the oldest in my family and there are 13 years between me and my youngest brother. Then, Geoff’s step-mom, Nellie got pregnant with Jordana and their age spread (26 years!) definitely kicked me and my brother’s age difference straight to the curb, haha. And Jordana was such an adorable little baby. I remember her hilarious spiky red hair and she had the sweetest disposition too. She has a very special place in this family. She may be the “baby” of the siblings, but she gets to play the role of big sister/cousin/friend with the next generation of Kaufmans (although technically she’s their aunt, haha) When writing this, I just had to go back and look through some of the photos I took of her when she was younger. I realized that she has grown up alongside my photography business so I have good photos to document her throughout the years which is pretty neat.
She recently turned 13 years old and became a bat mitzvah at Temple Emanuel here in Colorado where the Kaufman family have been long time congregant members. She’s been preparing for this day for a long time and I don’t just mean Hebrew school. She’s been a constant at family events and is always involved one way or another. She has been the flower girl at all of her big brother and sister’s weddings. We’ve had so many Kaufman family celebrations throughout the years (So many! If there is one thing the Kaufmans like to do, it’s celebrate:) and it’s pretty great that today I get to share the first big one of many more that focus specifically on Jordana and her accomplishments.
Jordana, we are all really proud of you. It’s a blessing to watch you grow up and see the fantastic young woman you have become. I know you have a bright and happy future ahead of you. Mazel tov!
Love you,

All of the siblings together when Jordana was just a little baby!

Jenny was the first to get married and I think this was Jordana’s first flower girl gig

Then she was the flower girl at my wedding to Geoff.
Photo by Yan Photo

She’s no stranger to the Horah chair dance.

I am always behind the camera so I thought I’d share a couple from a family hike we went on at Red Rocks awhile back.

And flower girl part III at Brandon & Lauren’s wedding.

Already giving speeches at a young age!

And here she is now, so grown up!

Brandon/Kendrick Lamar Karaoke says “Sit Down” and so Benny does!
If you would like to see more photos from various bar and bat mitzvah parties I’ve photographed throughout the years, please visit this page: Mitzvahs
Denver Colorado Temple: Temple Emanuel Park Hill Neighborhood, Denver CO
Reception Venue: Bethany Lutheran Cherry Hills Village, Denver CO
Great photos, April!