elcome to the journal for April O’Hare Photography! Here you’ll find all of my latest photographic outings with the couples, families, seniors and small businesses that I get to work with and make beautiful photographs for. You may also see a personal post here and there discussing my life or my travels with my teeny family of one husband and three cats! Sometimes I even write advice articles with tips to help make your photo experience better which you can check out under the “Educational” category.  

Take your time and look around! Type in the place where you’ll be getting married in the search box to see if I’ve photographed there before. At the bottom of the page I’ve highlighted some of my favorite sessions and weddings from the past. Grab a drink and have fun going down the photo rabbit hole!











events & Mitzvahs


april's life

Colorado River Family Photos in Grand Lake

July 23, 2024

50th Wedding Anniversary Family Portraits at AA Barn in Grand Lake Colorado

One of my favorite kinds of family photos to photograph is when a family is visiting Colorado to celebrate a golden wedding anniversary together. The family featured on the journal today is one of those families. They came together in Grand Lake to celebrate 50 years of marriage for the matriarch and patriarch of their family. We met up at the AA Barn where you can get some nice Colorado River backdrop with a bit of a mountain view too. We managed to survive an assault by the mosquitos that were out in full force that evening to create these gorgeous photos for them. I really love how lucky they got with the colorful sunset clouds that evening. Below are some of my faves from the session.

Extended family portrait with mountain backdrop in Grand Lake
Family of 5 with a pretty mountain backdrop in Grand Lake Colorado
Couple celebrates their 50th Wedding Anniversary with a family session at the Colorado River in Grand Lake
Girl cousins walk hand in hand in the mountains of Colorado
Pretty mountain backdrop for a family photo in Grand Lake
Pretty portrait of grandparents celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary with their family in Grand Lake
Couple walk hand in hand in Grand Lake Colorado for their 50th Wedding Anniversary
Three siblings pose for a photo with the Colorado River in the backdrop
Cute siblings photo with river backdrop in Grand Lake
Beautiful couples portrait in front of the Colorado River in Grand Lake
Gorgeous sunset family portrait with Colorado River and Mountain Backdrop in Grand Lake
Cute family portrait with the Colorado River backdrop in Grand Lake
Gorgeous Family Portrait for a family celebrating a 50th Wedding Anniversary in Colorado

If your family is coming to Colorado to celebrate a 50th wedding anniversary and you want to get photos together while you’re here, I’d love to help!  Please take a look at the FAMILIES page of my website and reach out to me by email.


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