Extended Family Portraits in Moraine Park at Rocky Mountain National Park
I’m thrilled to share these gorgeous Rocky Mountain National Park family photos on the journal today. I had so much fun hanging out with them on this lovely summer evening in Estes Park. And they’ve been so incredibly patient with me in getting this sneak peek put together for them. They brought their extended family together here in Colorado to celebrate grandma and grandpa’s 50th golden wedding anniversary. I really love to photograph families together for these incredible milestone wedding anniversaries. It’s pretty awesome to think that one couple and their love can create a whole new family full of love like this. On this trip inside RMNP, we drove around visiting some of my personal favorite photo spots that are easy to get to in the park (it’s a huge place so it’s not always feasible to drive in super far for all of the great places you can find there) from the Estes Park side. We’ve been getting a bit more rain than usual this spring so the mosquitos were more annoying than normal for here but this family were troopers and just kept at it until we ended up in Moraine Park where the elk love to hang out. They were even lucky enough to get some show up at sunset to grace the backdrops of their family photos. Below are just a small handful of my favorites I’ve chosen to share.

If you’re planning to visit Estes Park and want to get your own family portraits, be sure to take a look at the FAMILIES page of my site and get in touch!