Stone House Garden Family Photography at Bear Creek Greenbelt Park
It doesn’t feel like it was that long ago that I photographed the family featured on the blog today down at South Valley Park. However, if you check out those photos, you can see that it’s actually been about 5 years and their oldest grandson is heading into 1st grade and also has a new brother! So it was definitely time to update the family pictures. We headed to the Stone House on the Southwest side of town at Bear Creek Greenbelt in Lakewood. The gardens were looking gorgeous that day with lots of pretty springtime blooms still going strong despite it being well into June. The sun sets so late in the summer so we had to try and work pretty quickly since it was definitely past bedtime for their little guy. He was pretty stoic that evening and although he was giving me some looks, he wasn’t necessarily in the mood for smiling. Though, we did do the ol’ upside down pop up trick which managed to allow us to steal a couple quick smiling photos! I like this location a lot because when there isn’t construction going on, there are some pretty nice mountain views on the east side of the park and there are a ton of trees so it’s beautiful both in summer and in fall. I also love that there is a nice creek running through it so more adventurous families can stand with their bare feet in the water if they wanted to. Because it was early in the summer, the water was higher than I typically see it there which created a little baby waterfall in the section where we were at next to the creek which was fun to see. As the sun set, we had made our way over to the other side of the park and there was this huge gorgeous (and inaccessible) row of lilacs which we used for our last pictures. I love how all of these turned out! Check out a handful of my favorites below.
Are you interested in getting your own family photos updated? I’d love to help. Take a peek at the FAMILIES page of my site and get in touch!