My good friend Shandra asked me to photograph her nephew, Anthony’s senior pictures last week while they were on spring break. The yearbook deadline has already passed, but they decided that they wanted to get some professional ones taken for the family anyway. I’m so glad they decided to do them because it was a lot of fun! Anthony is going through a pretty traditional right of passage for a lot of teenagers with the purchase of his first car which the family lovingly calls “Brownie.” He’s been learning how to take care of her and slowly fixing her up. I love that he wanted to bring her to his session and we scouted out the perfect location with the new Denver city skyline as the backdrop making them look pretty dope if I do say so myself.
But before we ended our session at the Diamond Hill area on the west side of Denver we started over in Rino to take advantage of all the great street art in that area. I love all of the color you can find over there and even found a new favorite mural I’d like to visit again due to the sweet neon greens and yellows (I’ll point it out below). I also made Anthony pose in front of my classic fave in the area which is the geometric mural by Optimysticism (Gemma Danielle) on the Crema coffee shop’s wall. I was a little sad to find the sweet black and white leaves mural on the Imac building has been painted over with something new but that’s also kind of the cool thing about the area; it forces you to get comfortable with change.
And that leads us back into the whole idea of doing senior pictures to begin with. Senior year is a year all about preparing for big changes in life and I for one think it’s a great time to photograph a person at this age. It’s a time when they are straddling the fence between being a kid and becoming an adult which is not always an easy ride. But, I can tell that Anthony is going to be just fine. He already made it through this session and politely put up with me trying to make him say and do things that would make him smile! Check out some of my favorite below.

This is my new favorite mural in Rino. I love these colors!

Be sure to take a look at the SENIORS page of my site for more information about getting your own senior portraits created!