Rocky Mountain National Park Family Photographer in Estes Park
I have a little confession to make. For years I have avoided Rocky Mountain National Park as a Family Photographer. I had it in my head that it was a crowded place and gasp, maybe a little overrated considering there are so many beautiful places to photograph in Colorado. I also used to think it was a little bit pricey.
However, I’ve officially changed my mind. This summer, I’ve made it a point to photograph there and I am blown away with just how beautiful it is inside the park. It’s a dream place to photograph families who are visiting the Estes Park area. I still say it’s a little bit on the pricey side at $50 for a permit fee and $25 per car to enter, but I am now a true believer that the price is absolutely worth it! I think the more Denver grows, the more I am appreciating our lands that are unspoiled by development. As soon as you drive into the park, you are transported to a majestic, nature-filled world full of grazing big game animals, refreshing high alpine scents, and of course, the most awe-inspiring mountain vistas.
Family Photos with Quintuplets at Rocky Mountain National Park
This incredibly unique family featured on the journal today is the family that helped me reinvigorate my love for Rocky Mountain National Park. They are unique because they are a family with quintuplets! I’ve never met any quintuplets before. I’m actually not even sure I’ve ever even met triplets. So this was such a cool experience to photograph five 12 year old siblings together. 12 years old is also a really fun age because it’s right between childhood and the teenage years. It’s a nice little “in-between” stage which I guess might be why it’s called the “Tween” years? I really enjoyed photographing them and seeing how different all of their personalities were and how they interacted with each other and with mom and dad too. And btw, HUGE props to mom and dad for raising not just 5 kids, but Quints! I can’t imagine how hard that must be sometimes having all 5 kids going through all of the different stages of childhood all at once. I mean, just picture what potty training must have been like! From what I can tell, they are doing an absolutely fabulous job.
We met up at Sprague Lake because I like that there is a convenient bathroom there if needed and the mountains looming over the lake make for a beautiful starting location. Plus the “hike” (it’s really more of an easy walk) around the lake is short and easy to do. After getting a few photos at this location, we moved on to a couple other spots I scouted out that had gorgeous mountain views. One thing about Rocky Mountain National Park is that because of the high elevation, the weather can be chilly, even in summer. This spring and early summer we’ve been having more chilly weather here in Colorado than we usually do too. These poor kiddos managed to make it through the lower temperatures at our session and I sure hope they think the views made it worth it!
Rocky Mountain National Park is the Best Location for Family Pictures According to Estes Park Family Photographer
There are a handful of other locations outside of the gates of Rocky Mountain National Park that are suitable for family photography sessions. But, I now firmly believe that RMNP is hands down the absolute best location to use in Estes Park. Not going there for family photos when visiting Estes Park, Colorado would be like going on a beach vacation and then deciding not to get the ocean in your photos.

If you would like more information about visiting Rocky Mountain National Park, please visit THIS LINK
If you would like to see more family photos taken at Rocky Mountain National Park please look HERE