elcome to the journal for April O’Hare Photography! Here you’ll find all of my latest photographic outings with the couples, families, seniors and small businesses that I get to work with and make beautiful photographs for. You may also see a personal post here and there discussing my life or my travels with my teeny family of one husband and three cats! Sometimes I even write advice articles with tips to help make your photo experience better which you can check out under the “Educational” category.  

Take your time and look around! Type in the place where you’ll be getting married in the search box to see if I’ve photographed there before. At the bottom of the page I’ve highlighted some of my favorite sessions and weddings from the past. Grab a drink and have fun going down the photo rabbit hole!











events & Mitzvahs


april's life

Shanahan Ridge Trail Senior Photos in Boulder Colorado

September 23, 2020

Boulder Senior Photographer at Shanahan Ridge Trailhead in Colorado

I’m thrilled to share these beautiful Shanahan Ridge trail senior photos on the journal today.  Originally we were headed to an entirely different Boulder trail, but with all of the insane wildfire haze we’ve been experiencing I made the last minute decision to ask this senior and her mom to meet me over at the Shanahan Ridge trailhead instead.  I’ve actually never photographed at this location before, but with Boulder requiring reservations for photographers using their trails I have been doing some research for new ideas for places that might be great for pictures and I am so excited that this location ended up being such a great place.  I met up with Grace and her mom in the Shanahan Ridge neighborhood where you have to park along the street in the neighborhood and walk up a hill in between the houses to reach a large grassy area with lots of woods.  I wanted to switch it up to this location since the wildfires are obscuring the mountain views a bit more than usual and I was hoping to have some nice plant life to work with instead of relying on the mountain views as much as I normally do.  One huge bonus is that there is an awesome area where you can actually look out from the hill and see the city of Boulder off in the distance.

High School Senior Girl Yearbook Photo in a Natural Environment

As much as I loved the setting that we used at Shanahan Ridge Trail for these senior photos, they really turned out beautifully because Grace was such a natural in front of the camera.  She was kind enough to laugh at my bad jokes and played along with all of my silly prompts.  I loved the cute short sleeved dresses that she wore (I’m such a sucker for floral prints!) We even got lucky and found a little field of green grasses with dainty white flowers mixed in to match her pretty green dress with the white floral print on it.  I have so many more that I loved as well but in the interest of getting these sneak peeks online faster I’ve had to be ruthless in deciding what to share.  So the following are just a small selection of some of my favorites! 

High School Senior Girl Photo at Shanahan Ridge Trail in Boulder
High School Senior Girl headshot portrait at Shanahan Ridge Trailhead in Boulder Colorado
High School Senior Photos in a field of white dainty wildflowers at Shanahan Ridge Trail in Boulder CO
Classic High School Senior Yearbook Photo with beautiful light for a redheaded girl at Shanahan Ridge Trail in Boulder
A high school senior girl with a serious expression poses in front of the view of Boulder at Shanahan Ridge Trailhead
Pretty senior girl with light red hair wearing a green dress smiles in the woods at her high school senior yearbook photo session

If you’re searching for a Boulder Senior Yearbook photographer, be sure to take a look at the SENIORS page of my site and email me!  I’d love to chat with you about your own senior photos. 


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