elcome to the journal for April O’Hare Photography! Here you’ll find all of my latest photographic outings with the couples, families, seniors and small businesses that I get to work with and make beautiful photographs for. You may also see a personal post here and there discussing my life or my travels with my teeny family of one husband and three cats! Sometimes I even write advice articles with tips to help make your photo experience better which you can check out under the “Educational” category.  

Take your time and look around! Type in the place where you’ll be getting married in the search box to see if I’ve photographed there before. At the bottom of the page I’ve highlighted some of my favorite sessions and weddings from the past. Grab a drink and have fun going down the photo rabbit hole!











events & Mitzvahs


april's life

Snowy Winter Family Photography at Castlewood Canyon State Park in Franktown, Colorado

January 8, 2019

Castlewood Canyon Family Photos

I have the prettiest, chilliest Castlewood Canyon Family Photos taken during winter to share with the world today. These two daughters featured on the journal decided that they wanted to gift their parents with a family photography session for the holidays this year. We originally planned to do them a couple days after Christmas, but the weather suddenly turned quite chilly so we decided to wait to do them when it warmed up a little bit on a day that would still work for their schedule. I couldn’t have asked for a better family to kick off my 2019 photo season with than this one.

Colorado Winter Family Photography in Franktown

We met up at Castlewood Canyon State Park which is just south of Franktown (east of Castle Rock) Colorado for the session. It was definitely warmer than it was on the previous day we had chosen but still quite chilly with tons of snow on the ground. I had planned for about an hour right before sunset since I try not to keep my families outdoors for too long during winter sessions. After all, I want it to be a fun experience for them and not be too miserable due to the cold. We attempted to go down into the canyon a little ways but it was too icy to continue much further especially with their sweet labradoodle, Ogden, who would have loved nothing more than to jump into the icy river water.

Colorado mountain views from Castlewood Canyon State Park

So we headed back up and managed to get a beautiful photo at sunset with a Colorado mountain backdrop for them. And even though it was starting to get REALLY cold once the sun was setting, we even fit in a few individual headshots toward the end before deciding to wrap it up. Below you’ll find some of my favorite photos from our chilly but beautiful snowy Castlewood Canyon family photos. I hope the rest of my family photography sessions in 2019 are are much fun as this one was!


Castlewood Canyon State Park Colorado Holiday Family Photography

Cute Goldendoogle Dog with two sisters during Colorado winter holiday session in the snow

Castlewood Canyon State Park Colorado Holiday Family Photography

Snowy winter family photos at Castlewood Canyon State Park in Colorado

Family photos with a ranch fence at Castlewood Canyon State Park

Classic family photo in the snow at Castlewood Canyon State Park in CO

Sweet photo of a girl with her goldendoodle dog at Castlewood Canyon State Park

Beautiful winter family photography with mountain backdrop at Castlewood Canyon

Head over to the FAMILIES page of my site to find more information about scheduling your own Castlewood Canyon State Park family portraits!


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