Colorado Candid Family Photography on Squaw Pass Road
This beautiful Colorado candid family photography session was created at the beginning of the second week of October. I find this pretty impressive because the prime fall color this high up in the mountains is usually almost completely gone that far into October. Luckily for this adorable family the autumn colors hung on longer than normal and they were able to get these stunning fall color family photos which looked even more incredible because of their impeccable jewel toned coloring with their clothing. Bravo to their mom for coordinating and doing such a great job on the wardrobe for these!
Unposed Candid Family Portraits During Fall at Beaver Brook Watershed Trailhead
As many of you know by now, as much as I do my best to catch that perfect family portrait for all of the families that I photograph, nothing beats a photo with everyone in the family cracking up with their real smiles. I love to create scenarios and situations at the family photography sessions that I do where I’ll be able to catch some impromptu reactions and laughter. This family in particular was great about participating and letting their guard down to catch that kind of candid photo. I love the happy feelings I get when looking at these pictures of them enjoying each other’s company. One of my favorite parts of this family session was when I asked the girls to take turns giving each other one nice compliment and their youngest sister started giving them the biggest back-handed compliments I think I’ve ever heard. Still, she was cracking everyone up with her interpretation of what a “compliment” is which is all I wanted anyway. Check out both the traditional smiling at the camera pictures as well as the beautiful Colorado candid family photography I was able to get for this sweet family below!

To see more Colorado fall color family portraits in Evergreen please click HERE and HERE. To find out more about scheduling your own unposed family portraits please head over to the FAMILIES area of my website!