Karna’s company contacted me to set up a headshot session for her because they are doing a feature on her celebrating 20 years with the company. That is quite a feat in this day and age when people tend to move around and change up their career quite often. Since Karna works downtown and I really love using Larimer Square we decided to meet up over there for her headshot photo shoot. As always the string lights hanging over Larimer street look awesome at dusk. But I also love the pretty blue geometric mural by Gemma Danielle painted next to Cherry Creek so we incorporated it into her headshots. The blue of the wall and of the water in Cherry Creek looked great with Karna’s pretty blue eyes!

Head over to the HEADSHOTS area of my site to find more information about getting your own headshot portraits created!
These pictures look very professional. Do you do pictures for staff and employees of businesses?