Fall Color Family Portraits at Viele Lake in Boulder
Today on the journal, I get to share these Viele Lake family photos I did last week in Boulder, Colorado. I’ve been finding a handful of “new to me” locations in the Boulder area to photograph at this year because Covid-19 has the parks management requiring reservations at my normal spots. I noticed this pretty little city park in Boulder when I was on my way to another location and thought that it might make a nice fall color spot. Sadly, by the time we were able to schedule this session for this family, we had already experienced our first large dump of snow for the season (good for the wildfires, terrible for fall color) and the fall color was looking a little bit lackluster when we arrived. Thank goodness there are programs like photoshop available to help enhance what’s there and I think we still managed to make the scenery look a teensy bit more vibrant than it was in real life. I love that they brought a little bit of their own color with the mini pumpkins to help create that nice fall color look and this mama’s burnt orange dress was stunning too! Their little guy was bursting with fun energy having just come from a Halloween party so we walked around the entire lake and just explored this awesome lake park together. I love that they brought their sweet doggie with them too. We even managed to get their young son and their furry best friend in a photo together before they both decided they’d had enough of that. We were also able to get some great photos of the whole family together. Check out this small selection of some of my favorites below!
If you’re looking to get your own Viele Lake family photos created in the Boulder area, be sure to check out the FAMILIES page of my site and get in touch!