I have the prettiest fall color senior photos to share with the world today! Earlier this summer I met this gorgeous high school senior right before she officially became a senior when her family and I met up to do their family photos at Clear Creek Canyon. I am so honored that Caitlynn asked me to do her senior photos too. She wanted some fall color in hers so we made our way over to the US Forest land up in Evergreen on Squaw Pass Road where there is a popular little mountain meadow with tons of Aspen trees that all of us photographers love to pieces. I make it a point to come here every fall because it’s easily one of my favorite fall color locations that’s not too horrible of a drive from where I live on the west side of Denver. The aspen tree trunks are thick and there is a beautiful little mountain hill dotted with lots of nice fall color.
I got there really early this time because I wanted to drive up Squaw Pass road all of the way to Echo Lake since I don’t think I’ve ever been there before. I managed to make my way there and back in time before meeting up with Caitlynn and her mom, Stephanie, but I definitely want to drive that road again next year during fall color season because it’s absolutely stunning! And next summer I hope to make the time to drive all the way up to the observatory on Mount Evans. I love that I’ve lived in Colorado since I was 3 years old and I’m still finding so many awesome new places to explore. It’s a big state!
But getting back on topic to Caitlynn’s session down the hill in the gorgeous golden yellow leaves of the aspens, I loved all of the outfits she brought with her. They looked great in all of the yellow color we found. I especially thought her cozy green sweater looked nice. And I love that we were able to squeeze in a photo of the both of them together and a couple headshots for Stephanie too! It’s take me a little while to get this sneak peek online due to the crazy scheduling of fall color portraits, but it was especially hard narrowing down the selections from Caitlynn’s session because she’s so photogenic. So basically I did a terrible job of narrowing them down and ended up with a ton to share below:)
If you’re looking to see some more inspirational awesome fall color senior photos be sure to check THIS LINK, THIS LINK, and THIS LINK!
Take a look at the SENIORS page of my website to find more information about booking your own fall color senior photos in Colorado!